SFD needs a TBI policy
Seattle Fire Department needs a policy for when one of its members suffers a TBI or concussion on the job.
Following the incident at the Woodland Park Zoo on December 15, 2016, Steve Lynch wrote the following letter to Chief Harold Scoggins, which was also added to and signed by his Lieutenant, Chris Carter, and his Battalion Chief, Doug Windle, and Deputy Chief Phil Jose. The purpose of his letter was to make suggestions to improve the safety of those in SFD, including the need for a TBI policy:
Steve Lynch then met with Chief Scoggins in April of 2017 to discuss the contents of his letter.
Here are emails among SFD leadership (Chiefs Doug Windle, Jay Hagen, Alan Vickery, J. Havner,) and Dr. Michael Sayre (Medical Director of SFD) about the need for a TBI policy leading up to this meeting (January 2017 - April 2017):
Here is an email that Chief Scoggins sent out afterwards to Dr. Sayre to set up a time to discuss Steve Lynch’s care. Dr. Sayre, in addition to being the Medical Director for SFD, is also an emergency medicine physician and was Steve Lynch’s treating provider at Harborview on the day of his injury. During trial, Dr. Sayre testified on behalf of the City of Seattle and had to obtain special permission from the judge in order to discuss Steve’s medical care without his consent.
Here is the City Attorney’s Office attempt to redact Steve Lynch’s letter to Chief Scoggins for the jury, which was denied. During trial Chief Scoggins testified that he disagreed with this letter. When pressed, he stated that the only part of this letter that he agreed with was the “need for a TBI policy.”
Steve Lynch also wrote a letter to the SFD Safety Committee at the same time as his letter to Chief Scoggins. He never received acknowledgement of its receipt.
Letter to Safety Committee (April 2017)
However, a TBI policy/concussion protocol became an agenda item for the SFD Joint Safety Committee. Here are the minutes for the meetings that a TBI policy/concussion protocol was discussed:
“Dr. Sayre developed policy that involves evaluation of 1000 members. Work with Dr. Sayre and look for more realistic model, achievable policy. We have to have baselines. Suggest tighten up on-duty protocol - transport to hospital, lay off, don’t return to work. The biggest gap is when members lay off due to an occupational injury and leave without notifying the Safety Office. JSC members can attend quarterly Safety meeting on August 6 to discuss this. Chief Cox will send an invitation. Can modify the Form 78 and add a section about contacting the Safety Office.”
“Dallas [Baker, Chair of the Safety Committee] discussed the NFL baseline.”
“Dallas [Baker, Chair of Safety Committee] met with Dr. Kaufman about concussion protocol. Dalls send draft proposal to Dr. Sayre for his review. Standing agenda item.
“Draft policy has been sent to Dr. Sayre. Need to do evaluations. Dr. Sayre would like neurology to review. It is on hold now, due to COVID-19.”
“Concussion proposal was created by Captain Nelson and Dr. Sayre, and sent to group for review.”
“Attachments for this agenda item were sent to the Committee via email and attached to the meeting appointment. Policy does not have significant changes to past practice; protocol will improve care for firefighter who receives a TBI. Policy supports aftercare for members. Policy proposal is with Chief Scoggins; he would like to know if the jSC agrees as a Committee. MOTION: The Joint Safety Committee approves the Concussion Protocol and recommends to the Fire Chief that the Department move forward with implementation. Motion seconded. Vote. Motion passed. Dallas will write a letter to Chief Scoggins letting him know that the Committee has approved.”
“Developed and voted on policy, and sent letter of recommendation to the Fire Chief. There were little to no changes to TBI protocol policy that was submitted to Fire Chief. Most changes were regarding evaluation by paramedics. Will roll out training to paramedics and firefighters; in EMS instructor land for roll out. City Attorneys reviewed. Still some work to do, things to sort out.”